Monday, October 20, 2008


Well had a really rough weekend. Too much wine and food. I don't think that I will make the 1.4 pounds off to make 50 pounds total. I am just hoping for no gain. Went to a good Chinese restaurant this weekend and had steamed veggies and white rice. that was okay, but when I got home DH wanted his own Chinese food, so stupidly I had more. Oh shoot.

I finished one of the monkey no purl socks this week and it fits and looks great. Started to other one, but have picked up the tank top too. Last weeks mystery sock was turning the heel, so that is done on both socks. Hope to finish up the mystery sock this week. At least I hope all the clues will be done so that I can start a new sock, probably for my DH since I have promised him one for quite some time.

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