Thursday, January 15, 2009

Fast Knitting

Second pair of crazy monkey socks. Love them. They are so much fun. It is a modified version of Cookie A's Monkey sock done by Jennifer O'Sullivan. Did both of them in 10 days. Love being a sahm with an older teenager. Get to do more knitting every day. Now working on SKA mystery socks for January ( Jitterbug Mist)and vanilla sock (Encore sock) for DH. I think that I may be running out of Encore so will probably have to use a different yarn for the toes. Oh well. Also finished Mr Green jeans out of (jojoland rhythm), love how that turned out. Will post pics later. It fits, but could lose a little bit more weight for it to really fit well.
Speaking of weight, haven't been doing well in the category. I have been losing and gaining the same 5 pounds over the last couple of months. It is getting frustrating. Not working the program right, need to work it right, have to work it right, will work it right. This week has been better and I think that I have turned the corner and will start loosing again.