Sunday, December 14, 2008


the Bride Keesha and the Groom Bruce

The Boys Michael, The groom Bruce, Dad Robbie, and Best man Jason

The wedding has come and gone and it was wonderful. Both the Bride and Groom looked so happy and beautiful. The ceremony was good too. The groom's brothers cleaned up well also. They are in Honolulu now and enjoying the warm weather.

The Groom Bruce

The Best Man Jason

Mom Patti and Groomsman Michael

Friday, December 5, 2008

Long time

Wow it has been a long time since I last posted. I have been very busy with my knitting and eating. Knitting good, food bad. At least I have gotten the food under control. I don't want to blow a 50 pound loss. YIPPEE 50 pounds. Very happy.

As for knitting, finished monkey socks (jitterbug yarn), mystery socks (regia, cherry tree hill, and knit picks yarns), vanilla socks for dh (encore), and wicked for me(malabrigo). Started mr greenjeans (jojoland rhythm) and firestarter (jitterbug).

I liked the jitterbug, knitted nice and the color is great. The three yarns I used for the mystery sock were okay, but I don't think that I would be the regia again. Encore wasn't bad, dh really likes them and would make them for him again. Now the malabrigo was the best so far. I want more and more and more. The jojoland is very pretty. Love how the colors change. I think mr greenjeans will look great.

Me and Wicked.

The other great thing that happened is that I was able to knit on the Big Sock. This is a cool project that was started in England in 2006 and has traveled around the world with groups of knitter young and old knitting on it. It is trying to break the worlds record of the largest sock.