Monday, April 22, 2013

It's about time

I'm back in a losing weight mood. I need to get the weight off. I need to get into better shape. I need to set goals for myself and follow them.

Goals for weight loss
1 Start working out a little bit every day.
2 Start back at Weight Watchers and go to weekly meetings
3 Blog post weekly on how things are going

I really don't need knitting goals except for no more buying yarn, bags, needles, and patterns. I have enough of those things right now.

I need to set spinning goals. I have two wheels and they are not getting used as much as they should.

Spinning goals
1 Spin every day for at least 10 minutes
2 Finish spinning for sweater
3 Blog post weekly finished spinning.

1 comment:

the boogeyman's wife said...

those seem like reasonable goals. good luck! you can do it!!